Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Down to the Wire

Well, today was the last full day our group will be together. Some of the families begin their journey home tomorrow after our Oath Ceremony. We all agree that tomorrow will be bittersweet. We are all excited to get home to our families, but our daughters will be leaving their home country and the only sisters they have known. We made a pact to get together for group reunions. We have become like family.

Today we went to a Buddahist temple that is right in the middle of the city. It's a very peaceful place amid the chaotic city of Guangzhou. Some of us braved the long climb up the pagoda that is several stories high. There was a beautiful view and we got some really nice pictures. We also took pictures of the three enormous gold buddahs in one of the temple buildings. It is mind boggling to think of what it took to construct those things!

We ended our day with one last pizza party, this time in Drew and Stephanie's room. It was so much fun looking back over the past two weeks. The girls are all growing and changing before our eyes. Their personalities are really starting to come out. They are all such sweet babies and we will miss them.

Tomorrow we will squeeze in some last minute shopping and the few of us who will be here until Thursday plan on going to dinner together. I will be frantically packing, trying to shove five suitcases worth of "stuff" into three! I may be purchasing another suitcase tomorrow!

Well, it's time to put a very sweet, but very tired little baby girl to sleep. If you would like to see more pictures from today, click on the "More China Pictures" link and then on the "China Day 12" folder.


Anonymous said...

Have a great last day and a safe trip home. Can't wait to see you at the airport!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Maeve, You looked so pretty in your traditional outfit...can you ask your mom and dad to find one to fit me?? Love, Aunt Mo

Anonymous said...

The pictures keep getting better and better. Maeve seems happier in each picture...wait until she meets her big brothers! Have a safe journey home and we'll be on stand-by for Friday in Chicago!

Sue and Dave